Sunday, August 9, 2015

Get Inspired by Chhota Bheem

Hey friends,
As you all know that Maverick 5.0 is around and this year's mascots are cartoons and IB has Chhota Bheem as its mascot. Cartoons are our best friends and we use to admire them, we used to make sure that we watched every episode of our favourite cartoons.

Our elders used to say, "Why are you watching cartoons and what will you get from cartoons?", they always told us to watch discovery channel and many other informative channels, so that we could gain more and more knowledge. But we IB batch students gained lots of knowledge from chota Bheem and this knowledge or basic things that we have learned from these cartoons are more used in our day to day life than any other knowledge, so what every knowledge we have gained from childhood 20-25% are from cartoons.

Some of the things that we learnt:

1. Be honest, wise and bold: Bheem is honest, wise and bold and these all qualities should be there in us because these are some of the qualities that help us to succeed in our life .

2. Stop being jealous: jealousy is negative motivating force that causes harm to none but yourself. Bheem is such a character that is never jealous and is very happy with what he has and this is one of the main thing that every human being should learn because jealousy only causes harm to yourself not others. If jealousy is gone the world is very beautiful place to live.

3. Stay united: The spirit of unity gives you strength, endurance and encouragement to stand firm against severest stain without succumbing to disruptive forces. One should always be united and he would always succeed and in the cartoon Bheem is always united with his friends and they always win.

4. Instead of complaining utilize your resources: In the cartoon Bheem always win because he never complain but uses the resources he has and in the same way we should also utilize our resources.

5. Be considerate, generous and courteous: In the cartoon Bheem is always considered about his friends and is very generous to everyone and that's why he is loved by every one. So in real life also we should be considerate and generous so that we are loved by everybody.

6. Stay alert: we should stay alert as anything can happen anytime and if we are alert we can manage the problem very easily in the same manner as Bheem does.

7. Be humorous: Its said that laughter is a very good medicine and being humorous in life is very important, in this way we make others happy and we to are also happy. These are some of the things that Bheem taught and would surely used all this qualities not only to make our fest a hit but to make our life's more simpler and happier. So come join us and see how we make this fest a hit with Bheem.    


  1. ....learn from yesterday
    live for today...
    ...look to tomorrow

  2. Even cartoon characters can be inspiring!

  3. Those were the best days of my life. ❤
    In the midst of old memories!
    #ABigSmile #ChotaBheem #ThankyouMaverick

  4. Thanks for reminding what we all can learn from cartoons
    Old memories
